Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This month is Childhood Cancer Awareness month as a way to raise awareness I am having an online funraiser event through my Thirty-One business. All of the proceeds I make off of the orders for the month of September I am donating to a local charity by the name of Blue Skies Ministries. They are a non profit orginazation that gives terminally ill children family vacations in order to help keep their little minds off their battles.

Help me raise money for the orginazation by shopping my event at:
Let stand up as a community and raise awareness!!

Random Thought For This Morning.....

Been a while since I have taken the time to blog as I have been in what I guess you would call a RUT! I am so overwhelmed with being overwhelmed! My days all seem to be a lot like that movie "Groudhogs Day" I wake up at 6am to get my son up and beg him to get dressed, brush his hair and teeth, I wake my spouse up and beg him just to get out of the bed, I run down stairs to let my dogs out and feed my cat. I then proceed to make lunches and rush my babies onto the bus! After that I am left to get myself ready and rush to work. Only to sit behind a desk and listen to people complain! :) After I have completed my 8 hrs of work with no break I rush to my sons school in order to get him to football on time. I do this daily Monday-Friday and my weekends are concusumed with laundry, cleaning, football, nascar, and fighting kids.  When I place all of this in writing I see exactly why I am in a RUT I have a lot going on!! :) Honestly I would not change any of it as I love every minute! I just need to learn how to manage my time a little better so I can still feel as if I have time for "Me" if there is such thing when you are a busy working mother of three!! I so love my crazy life! <3

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

THRIVE Changed My Life!!

Hello Friends!

I am so excited that I have started a new Venture as a National brand promoter with Le-Vel, Inc. Please take a quick minute to visit my personal website www.csheldon.le-vel.com and register NOW FOR FREE to be on my team as a National brand promoter.

Thrive by Le-Vel is the biggest and fastest growing commission based company in the world. With a 64% payout 20% match on all personal checks with our 200K VIP for the next 4 months! Don’t miss out on the biggest Opportunity to join this fast growing company. It is the biggest industry shift in the last 15 years to hit the healthcare industry. We will be a trillion dollar business within the next year or two. We are a Debt free company, and cloud based which allows you to work from anywhere at anytime. At Le-Vel you are your own BOSS and you’re on your own schedule! Wouldn’t you love to work from your phone at the beach! Start this exciting business career with me by clicking the ‘join now’ button on the top right of the screen at www.csheldon.le-vel.com

If you are still unsure about taking the greatest step towards financial freedom in your life you can still help me achieve my goal by visiting my personal website and signing up free with NO OBLIGATION so that I can hit my personal goal of 30 website hits a day! You can do that for me RIGHT? Thrive by Le-vel has helped so many people in my life and I would love to help you help yourself or someone you love that suffers from the one or all of the illnesses below! Do you or someone you know suffer from high blood pressure, Diabetes 2, ADD, ADHD, faint of memory, or have problems focusing? Are you in chronic pain with little to no relief from pain medication? Do you suffer severely from joint pains, gout, arthritis, or even spinal pain? Are you tired of carrying around extra weight and don’t know how to rid yourself of it? Are you lacking the necessary energy to deal with your busy life? Kids? Are you sick of going to doctors just to get medication that only treats your symptoms but never get solved? What if I told you that by taking 2 capsules and a shake a day that is %100 all natural, gluten free, contains no GMO, loaded with probiotics, natural caffeine, plant extracts, raw minerals, vitamins and contain the worlds number one fat burner, Garcinia Cambogia, you could change your life. THRIVE…. THE 8-WEEK EXPERIENCE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER.

Let's THRIVE together!

Rise and Shine

Good early morning! It's 4:30 am and guess who is awake.....This girl! Can I get a whoooo! So as I am laying here listening to my Rock and my pug, Lulu have a contest to see who can suck the most paint off the wall I thought....why not post a random thought of the morning blog. The only issue is that it is so early and I have not had coffe so the random thought process is ....blank! My noodle is all over the place all the time I can seriously go from saying a prayer thanking God for how amazing he is to thinking about how bad someone's breath stank when they spoke to me yesterday! My thoughts will even go as far as to wondering how could they not know their breath smelled like a potty, do they not taste it, does it change how their food taste when they eat? Once I realize that I forgot I was praying I try to atleast go back complete the prayer, say thank you, and amen!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Welcome and About Me

Hey everyone welcome to my new crazy blog! There is no telling what you may read here! Melissa with "Melissa Say What" said this would be a great way for me to vent, and reach out to people who need to meet me! :) I am a mother to three children ages 16, 12, and 9. I work fulltime for a job thatat times I wish I did not have to work! Yes I pray daily to win the lotto but I do not play!! :) I have a wonderful fiancé who is my soulmate, bestfriend, and partner in crime!! I have 2 dogs, a cat that is old and honestly needs to go to kitty heaven ( said nicely to all the kitty loves), a guinea pig and a fish. I am a Christian, I pray, I praise, and I love me some good Christian LOVE! I am a daughter, a twin, a sister, and soo much more. As if I do not already have enough on my plate I also have 2 of my own businesses well kinda hehe! I am a Thirty One Gifts crazy bag lady and a Le-Vel Thrive-ing sales representative as well! I am passionate about fashion and helping people physically and mentally! I do not spell well, I am not good a punctuations so if you are going to proof read this may not be the blog page for you!:) So in a tiny nutshell that is me I do hope you enjoy my occasional rants and whatever else I share! :)