Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Random Thought For This Morning.....

Been a while since I have taken the time to blog as I have been in what I guess you would call a RUT! I am so overwhelmed with being overwhelmed! My days all seem to be a lot like that movie "Groudhogs Day" I wake up at 6am to get my son up and beg him to get dressed, brush his hair and teeth, I wake my spouse up and beg him just to get out of the bed, I run down stairs to let my dogs out and feed my cat. I then proceed to make lunches and rush my babies onto the bus! After that I am left to get myself ready and rush to work. Only to sit behind a desk and listen to people complain! :) After I have completed my 8 hrs of work with no break I rush to my sons school in order to get him to football on time. I do this daily Monday-Friday and my weekends are concusumed with laundry, cleaning, football, nascar, and fighting kids.  When I place all of this in writing I see exactly why I am in a RUT I have a lot going on!! :) Honestly I would not change any of it as I love every minute! I just need to learn how to manage my time a little better so I can still feel as if I have time for "Me" if there is such thing when you are a busy working mother of three!! I so love my crazy life! <3

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging and keep being you while you're doing it! It's therapeutic and you will help others along on the way! There are many people out there, just like you who NEED you to share your story!
